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- SURVIVOR ROOM | Connecticut Brain
What are the Potential Effects of TBI? The severity of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) may range from “mild” (i.e., a brief change in mental status or consciousness) to “severe” (i.e., an extended period of unconsciousness or amnesia after the injury). A TBI can cause a wide range of functional short- or long-term changes affecting: Thinking (i.e., memory and reasoning); Sensation (i.e., sight and balance); Language (i.e., communication, expression, and understanding); and Emotion (i.e., depression, anxiety, personality changes, aggression, acting out, and social inappropriateness). A TBI can also cause epilepsy and increase the risk for conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and other brain disorders. About 75% of TBIs that occur each year are concussions or other forms of mild TBI. Repeated mild TBIs occurring over an extended period of time can result in cumulative neurological and cognitive deficits. Repeated mild TBIs occurring within a short period of time (i.e., hours, days, or weeks) can be catastrophic or fatal. For information on how to prevent TBI and the potentially serious effects from this injury, please visit TBI Prevention page.
- CT Social Security Norwich Office 1-888-482-3170 | ABI RESOURCES Connecticut
Administracion de la Seguridad Social Oficina de Seguridad Social en Norwich Ste 380, 55 Main St 06360, Norwich, Connecticut 1-888-482-3170 , 1-800-772-1213 , 1-888-482-3170 Servicios de determinación de discapacidad Si bien las solicitudes de discapacidad del Seguro Social se toman en las oficinas locales, las decisiones médicas las toma en cada estado un servicio de determinación de discapacidad. Si ya presentó una solicitud de beneficios por incapacidad o si es un proveedor médico, puede enviar por correo la información médica de un solicitante de Connecticut a: Disability Determination Services 309 Warwarme Avenue Hartford, CT. 06114 Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Willimantic Ste 19, 1320 Main St 06226, Wil Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Willimantic Ste 19, 1320 Main St 06226, Willimantic, Connecticut 1-877-405-0488, 1-800-772-1213, 1-800-325-0778 Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Waterbury Suite 1, 51 North Elm St 06702, Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Waterbury Suite 1, 51 North Elm St 06702, Waterbury, Connecticut 1-877-405-4874, 1-800-772-1213, 1-800-325-0778 Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person a Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tolland Windham CT community care Home Health ABI Resources Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Willimantic Ste 19, 1320 Main St 06226, Wil Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Willimantic Ste 19, 1320 Main St 06226, Willimantic, Connecticut 1-877-405-0488, 1-800-772-1213, 1-800-325-0778 1/29
- TRAINING 6 | Connecticut Brain
Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Understanding Your Position: The Strategic Role of ABI Resources Teams TURN SOUND ON ^ PREVIOUS NEXT
GRUPOS SOCIALES Y EVENTOS ABI's HALLOWEEN SOCIAL OCT 27 | 11:30 to 3pm ABI Social Center 39 Kings Hwy, Gales Ferry CT Haga clic en el pequeño altavoz para escuchar el sonido.
- PLUG-INS | Connecticut Brain
Plug-ins Used by ABI Some content on the ABI Resources website may require specific software and/or plug-ins to be properly viewed or utilized. Many modern web browsers have built-in functionality to open or download different types of files. Additionally, applications are available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store for viewing files on portable devices, smartphones, and tablets. For your convenience, we have listed some of the most common plug-ins used on the ABI Resources website, along with the corresponding software to view them. We have also provided links to the vendors’ websites where you can download these viewers. Please note, ABI Resources does not endorse these products, and the links are provided solely for your convenience. For questions or issues regarding the use or installation of these plug-ins, please contact the respective vendors. File Type Name of Viewer URL of Viewer pdf Adobe Reader mp3, wmz Microsoft Windows Media Player mp4 QuickTime If you encounter any difficulties accessing content on the ABI Resources website or need further assistance, please contact us at 860-942-0365 or email . Our team is dedicated to ensuring that all users have a smooth and accessible experience. Let's Chat Phone 860 942-0365 Email ABI@CTBRAININJURY.COM First Name Last Name Email Message Send Thanks for submitting!
Haga clic en la imagen para más información. Descargo de responsabilidad: si bien trabajamos para garantizar que la información del producto sea correcta, en ocasiones los fabricantes pueden modificar sus listas de ingredientes. El embalaje y los materiales reales del producto pueden contener más información o información diferente a la que se muestra en nuestro sitio web. Le recomendamos que no se base únicamente en la información presentada y que siempre lea las etiquetas, advertencias e instrucciones antes de usar o consumir un producto. Para obtener información adicional sobre un producto, comuníquese con el fabricante. El contenido de este sitio tiene fines de referencia y no pretende sustituir los consejos brindados por un médico, farmacéutico u otro profesional de la salud autorizado. No debe utilizar esta información como autodiagnóstico o para tratar un problema de salud o enfermedad. Comuníquese con su proveedor de atención médica de inmediato si sospecha que tiene un problema médico. La información y las declaraciones sobre los suplementos dietéticos no han sido evaluadas por la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos y no están destinadas a diagnosticar, tratar, curar o prevenir ninguna enfermedad o condición de salud. ABI Resources no asume ninguna responsabilidad por inexactitudes o declaraciones erróneas sobre los productos.
abi resources 8 types of self care physical mental emotional spiritual social financial abi resources 8 types of self care physical mental emotional spiritual social financial abi resources 8 types of self care physical mental emotional spiritual social financial abi resources 8 types of self care physical mental emotional spiritual social financial abi resources 8 types of self care physical mental emotional spiritual social financial abi resources 8 types of self care physical mental emotional spiritual social financial 1/2 Teaching Self-care takes many forms and is a crucial piece of mental wellness. Checking your feelings during and after a self-care activity ca n help you know what works well for you. Some activities are nourishing, depending on how you are feeling that day. Here are eight types of self-care and examples to consider: PHYS ICAL SE LF-CARE Self-care has to do with fe eling physically well and maintaining physical health. • Sleep or rest • Stretching, walking, or exercise that feels good • Keeping medical appointments • Healthy food • Fresh air EMOTIONAL SELF-CARE Self-care involves attending to your emotions, finding empathy and self-compassion, and seeking help when needed. • Journal or talk it out • Stress management • Listen to or make music/art • Self-compassion • Counseling SOCIAL SELF-CARE Self-care has to do with a healthy family and social relationships. • Time with others (in person or virtually) • Healthy Boundaries • Balancing alone time and social time (or small groups and large groups) • Positive social media • Asking for help SPIRITUAL SELF-CARE Self-care has to do with religious beliefs or spirituality. • Connection • Prayer or meditation • Reflection • Attending worship services or groups (if applicable) • Nature PERSONAL SELF-CARE Self-care has to do with knowing and honoring yourself and what you enjoy. • Listening to yourself (getting out of autopilot) • Hobbies • Treating yourself • Trying something new • Getting to know yourself HOME ENVIRONMENT SELF-CARE Self-care involves maintaining a safe, functional, and comfortable home environment. • Safety • Security and stability • Cleaning and organizing (whatever that means for you) • Comfy space • Healthy living environment FINANCIAL SELF-CARE Self-care has to do with maintaining your financial goals and obligations. • Money management and budgeting • Saving • Seeking help or information • “Fun” money • Paying bills WORK, SCHOOL, CAREGIVING, OR OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES Self-care has to do with attending to your needs in the realms of work, school, caregiving, or other responsibilities. • Time management • Feeling productive and valued • Learning and developing skills (and seeking help when needed) • Healthy work boundaries and communication • Break time
Salud mental Disruptive, impulse control, and conduct What are disruptive, impulse control, and conduct disorders (DIC)? DICs are a group of disorders that all involve impulsive behaviors, or a lack of self-control. Some of these include oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), conduct disorder, antisocial personality disorder, and intermittent explosive disorder. Acting before thinking - In psychology, impulsivity (or impulsiveness) is a tendency to act on a whim, displaying behavior characterized by little or no forethought, reflection, or consideration of the consequences. Obsesivo y Compulsivo No puede dejar de pensar o hablar sobre un tema -Las conductas obsesivo-compulsivas tienen pensamientos, sentimientos, ideas, sensaciones (obsesiones) y conductas repetidas y no deseadas que les impulsan a hacer algo una y otra vez (compulsiones). A menudo la persona lleva a cabo conductas para deshacerse de los pensamientos obsesivos. Desorden de ansiedad social La ansiedad social es el miedo a situaciones sociales que implican interacción con otras personas. Se podría decir que la ansiedad social es el miedo y la ansiedad de ser juzgado y evaluado negativamente por otras personas. Es un trastorno generalizado y causa ansiedad y miedo en casi todas las áreas de la vida de una persona. Trastornos disociativos Causas, Síntomas, Diagnóstico, Tratamiento, Patología Los trastornos disociativos (DD) son afecciones que implican alteraciones o fallos de la memoria, la conciencia, la identidad o la percepción. Las personas con trastornos disociativos utilizan la disociación, como mecanismo de defensa, de forma patológica e involuntaria. Insomnio Causas, Síntomas, Diagnóstico, Tratamiento y Patología Insomnio habitual; incapacidad para dormir. Clinical Depression Major, Post-partum, Atypical, Melancholic, Persistent Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. ... Depression may require long-term treatment. Trastorno de pánico Ataques de pánico, Causas, Síntomas, Diagnóstico, Tratamiento y Patología Trastorno de pánico. ... Los ataques de pánico van acompañados de manifestaciones físicas, como palpitaciones del corazón, sudoración y mareos, así como miedo a morir o volverse loco. La preocupación por sufrir un ataque puede provocar ansiedad adicional y conductas de evitación u otros problemas de funcionamiento. Trastorno de ansiedad generalizada (TAG) Causas, síntomas y tratamiento El trastorno de ansiedad generalizada (TAG) es mucho más que la ansiedad normal que las personas experimentan día a día. Es crónico y quienes lo padecen experimentan mucha preocupación y tensión, a menudo sin provocación. Este trastorno implica anticiparse al desastre, preocupándose muchas veces excesivamente por la salud, el dinero, la familia o el trabajo. Trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT) Causas, síntomas, tratamiento y patología. El trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT) es una afección de salud mental que se desencadena por un evento aterrador, ya sea al experimentarlo o presenciarlo. Los síntomas pueden incluir flashbacks, pesadillas y ansiedad severa, así como pensamientos incontrolables sobre el evento. Trastorno bipolar (depresión y manía) Causas, síntomas, tratamiento y patología. El trastorno bipolar anteriormente se llamaba depresión maníaca. Es una forma de trastorno afectivo mayor o trastorno del estado de ánimo, definido por episodios maníacos o hipomaníacos (cambios del estado de ánimo normal acompañados de estados de alta energía).