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- CT Social Security Stamford Office 1-866-770-1881 | ABI RESOURCES Connecticut
社会保障局 斯坦福社会保障办公室 康涅狄格州斯坦福市 Landmark Square 2 号 105 室 06901 电话:1-866-770-1881 , 1-800-772-1213 , 1-203-967-9902 残疾鉴定服务 虽然社会保障残疾申请由当地办事处受理,但医疗决定由各州的残疾鉴定服务机构做出。如果您已经提交了残疾福利申请,或者您是医疗服务提供者,您可以将康涅狄格州申请人的医疗信息邮寄至:残疾鉴定服务 309 Warwarme Avenue Hartford, CT. 06114 Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Willimantic Ste 19, 1320 Main St 06226, Wil Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Willimantic Ste 19, 1320 Main St 06226, Willimantic, Connecticut 1-877-405-0488, 1-800-772-1213, 1-800-325-0778 Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Waterbury Suite 1, 51 North Elm St 06702, Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Waterbury Suite 1, 51 North Elm St 06702, Waterbury, Connecticut 1-877-405-4874, 1-800-772-1213, 1-800-325-0778 Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person a Phone 1-855-626-6632 Connecticut CT Department of Social Services DSS MFP Money Follows the Person and ABI Waiver Program Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven New London Tolland Windham CT community care Home Health ABI Resources Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Willimantic Ste 19, 1320 Main St 06226, Wil Social Security Administration Social Security Office in Willimantic Ste 19, 1320 Main St 06226, Willimantic, Connecticut 1-877-405-0488, 1-800-772-1213, 1-800-325-0778 1/29
- Connecticut / Home Independence Assesments / ABI RESOURCES
家庭独立性评估 ABI Resources 提供免费、全面的个人家庭独立评估。评估内容包括安全、健康、行动能力、认知、情绪状态、居住环境、财务状况、社区参与、当前和未来的护理需求以及可用的支持系统。 开始
- ABI RESOURCES | Referrals | CT Brain Injury Home Services | CT MFP ABI WAIVER
在线推荐 全州服务 帮助热线 1-860-942-0365 与认证专家联系,他们为人们、家庭成员、护理人员、教育工作者以及医疗和治疗专业人员提供个人支持和指导。
- ABI RESOURCES | Connecticut Home Healthcare Supported Living
例子包括通过远程医疗进行初级保健访问、在家中自行进行透析以及在家中提供专业护理设施服务以及远程患者监控和日常生活活动支持。 The future of home healthcare technology is indeed exciting, with many new and innovative solutions being developed. The use of artificial intelligence and robotics have the potential to revolutionize home healthcare by improving outcomes and making home healthcare more efficient and cost-effective. Resources can be used to monitor patients remotely, assist with physical therapy, and provide medication reminders. Additionally, ABI Resources can analyze data to support the identification of potential health risks and support the informed treatment of decisions. Other areas of healthcare technology that are showing promise include telemedicine, genomics, and digital therapeutics. However, it's also important to note that implementing new technology should be done in a way that prioritizes safety and well-being, as well as data privacy and security. It's important to note that the implementation of these resources will require careful planning and consideration of ethical and privacy concerns. ABI Resources Connecticut home based supported living and community care. ABI Resources works with multiple organizations, including DSS, DMHAS, WWP, CCC, CCCI, SWCAA, WCAAA, Allied, Yale, UConn, Gaylord, HFSC, and more to provide the best care for individuals.
援助计划 REFERRALS 医疗补助 - 申请 医疗补助 - 续订 MFP 程序 ABI 豁免计划 DMHAS - 脑损伤项目 SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY 补充保障收入 SSI FOOD ASSISTANCE - SNAP CASH ASSISTANCE HEATING ASSISTANCE 学校支持计划 CBT THERAPSIT LIST 自我倡导团体 FOOD - HARTFORD TOLLAND 食品 - 康涅狄格州 能源援助 State Health Insurance 社区第一选择 (CFC) ELDERS - CT 家庭护理计划 Rental Assistance Program (RAP) 住房(第 8 条) BENIFIT FINDER
- ILST Jobs / Employment / Now Hiring / Ap | Connecticut Brain
APPLY HERE Position: Independent Living Skills Trainer ( ILST ) An exceptional opportunity to join a mission-driven organization dedicated to empowering individuals to live their best lives. The Independent Living Skills Trainer (ILST) plays a critical role in promoting independence, safety, and personal growth for individuals with diverse needs. This position is highly proactive, progressive, and results-oriented. Requirements: 1-2 years of healthcare experience Experience in implementing behavioral treatment and care plans Valid driver's license and access to a car Strong time management and organizational skills Proficiency with smartphones and tablets Successful completion of background check and drug testing prior to hire Adherence to dress code and professional standards Commitment to providing the highest standards of care and accountability Experience in assisting individuals recovering from: Strokes Concussions Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Tumors Community-based settings Responsibilities include supporting clients with: Safety Organizational skills Medical and therapeutic rehabilitation homework Medication reminders Social engagement Employment assistance Financial management Social skills Daily living activities Additional Information: Regular drug screening required Key Duties: Develop and prepare teaching materials for Independent Living Skills Training and Support Service sessions. Schedule client sessions and programming based on Individual Service Plans and training domains. Conduct in-home training, teaching, and support for clients in areas such as money management, nutrition, cooking, comparison shopping, emergency procedures, community awareness, mobility, laundry procedures, household management, sex/public health education, medical procedures, counseling, crisis intervention, and housing. Provide training in accordance with current care plans and the least restrictive environment philosophy (1:1 staff-client ratio, unless otherwise specified). Coordinate client training programs with other programs in which they are involved. Complete daily activity reports documenting direct hours spent with clients and submit to supervisor(s) on the first day of the following month. Maintain up-to-date client files. Assist clients in coordinating with other programs, services, and benefit systems, such as Social Security, AFDC, WIC, food stamps, counseling, etc. Attend monthly staff meetings and individual meetings with team members. Participate in Inter-Disciplinary Team meetings as requested. Perform other duties as assigned.
abi resources 8 types of self care physical mental emotional spiritual social financial abi resources 8 types of self care physical mental emotional spiritual social financial abi resources 8 types of self care physical mental emotional spiritual social financial abi resources 8 types of self care physical mental emotional spiritual social financial abi resources 8 types of self care physical mental emotional spiritual social financial abi resources 8 types of self care physical mental emotional spiritual social financial 1/2
社会团体和活动 雷鬼风情海滩烧烤 哈克尼斯海滩公园
- SANDATA APP | Connecticut Brain
什么是 MFP 程序以及它有什么作用? MFP 计划帮助人们筹集资金并组织搬离医疗机构。该计划帮助人们安排住房、生活必需品、医疗设备和临时居家护理人员。 MFP 是一项联邦示范拨款,由康涅狄格州社会服务部从医疗保险和医疗补助服务中心获得。该拨款旨在帮助重新平衡长期护理系统,使个人在选择居住地和接受护理和服务方面拥有最大的独立性和自由度。该计划以现有计划为基础,为在护理机构居住至少三个月的人提供增强的社区服务和支持。根据 MFP,对于那些重新回归社区的人,康涅狄格州将在五年内获得 900 万美元的增强医疗补助匹配资金,在回归社区的第一年,将获得 75% 的费用报销,而不是通常的 50%。这项联邦支持是康涅狄格州减少对医疗补助受助人使用更昂贵的机构护理的财政激励。这种方法对纳税人来说更具成本效益,预计将改善老年人以及身体和发育障碍和精神疾病患者的生活质量。回归社区的人们可以选择自己想住的地方,无论是自己的家、家人的家、公寓还是集体居住。 MFP 的目标 增加用于家庭和社区服务的 支出 。 增加在社区中接受长期服务的人数(相对于在机构中接受长期服务的人数)的比例。 减少出院后需要护理的患者转入护理机构的次数。 提高人们在进入机构后的前三个月内重返社区的可能性 让个人脱离机构回归社区 个性化护理计划将根据需要制定。CCCI 过渡协调员将提供一对一的社区支持、系统导航、资源获取和生活安排方面的帮助。
- TRAINING 1 | Connecticut Brain
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